Some little greeting before content (classic :))

okee.. This post is just a part from a pinned post on my facebook profile.
Stay calm and having fun with it :)

Q&A w/ myself(?)

How your last year was?

I think that I just try to be kind to everyone but idk why it seem like everything want to get over me every time I try everything. That shit will show up and try to get over that he’s better than me without doing anything. So for conclusion, Last year was like a hell for me :(

So what about this year! this will better than last year right?

I hope so.

I try to be kind for everyone for a year but there’s nothing good for me. So.. I think It’s my time to be selfish like everyone do. :)

Just having a good year w/ (maybe) new me :)

- Suphakit P.